Baby Hadley's mom is very tired and busy and she would need some help for the baby's morning routine. She heard you were a great babysitter so she has come to you for help. First you should take Hadley to the shower. Undress him and put him in a tub filled with water. He won't get bored if he has his favorite rubber toys with him. Wash him all over his hair and body, rinse him and then take him out. Wipe his body with a soft towel and dry his hair with a blow dryer. Change his diaper with a fresh one and dress him up in clean clothes. Then you should feed him breakfast. Prepare some cereals with milk and give it to him spoon by spoon. If he gets thirsty give him some water. Wipe his mouth when he is done. Whatever you do, make sure you do not let him wait for too long or he will start crying. Have fun!
Published: Apr 20, 2014