Barbi has decided to run for presidency, and who would be a better fit for it? She is smart, beautiful and has a lot of friends. But this is not enough for such a high position, she needs a new look, elegant and classy. As a future role model, she really needs a flawless face, so use a scrub and a cleanser to really clean it up. Then use a mask to hydrate the face and some cucumbers to do the same. Also apply a cold mask on the eyes to reduce the bags under them. Continue with plucking the eyebrows and wiping them. Create a beautiful make up, but keep it stylish! Use mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow, blush and lipstick. Pick out a hairstyle that is appropriate for a politician and some fashionable, but business clothes. Have a great time and keep your fingers crossed!
Published: Nov 7, 2012