Barbie has discovered a new passion, which is gardening. It is a very relaxing and rewarding activity, so join her! First she has to remove the leaves standing in her way with a rake, then take a shovel and dig a hole in the ground. She has to put some strawberry seeds in the ground and then some fertilizer, water her seeds with a watering can and finally cover it back. Now that she has fresh strawberries she can use them together with some milk and sugar to create a fresh milkshake. Put some scoops of ice cream on top and decorate with a straw, an umbrella and a chocolate stick. Dress Barbie up in a cute outfit for her gardening activities featuring flower prints, polka dots, a big straw hat and sunglasses. Then choose for her a feminine make-up and let her enjoy the evening with the newly grown strawberries and her milkshake. Good luck!
Published: Aug 29, 2014