Most of the housewife I know tend to leave themselves unattended because they are always busy doing their house chores...but not these one, I think she's the chicest young housewife living on my street. Her name is Gaby and let me tell you girls...I have never seen her without a perfectly done make up or wearing old and out of fashion rags. I just love her style, her clothes, shoes, accessories and the way she manages to arrange her hair. Play the "Chic Young Housewife" dress up game and learn from a stylish housewife how to keep your style up and your hair perfectly arranged even when you are busy in the kitchen cooking the most delicious dishes for your beloved husband or when you are doing the cleaning. Steal some great ideas and surprise your dear ones with a comfy but chic outfit and a new hairstyle! Enjoy!
Published: Mar 27, 2012