You own a hair salon and you should make sure your first client is happy. Start by washing her hair with shampoo, blow dry it, comb it and apply a hair spray on. Now her hair is ready for a new style, so pick one you like. There are different types of braids or a cute curly one if you like it more. Once you have chosen the hairstyle you want to pursue, you will have to follow all the steps correctly. You will use tools like a comb, a hair straightening iron or a hair curler. When you have finished with her hair, she will need a new outfit that matches her modern look. Pick from the wardrobe a cute new dress or a ruffled top and a pair of colorful pants, ankle boots that match, jewelry, sunglasses and a pair of gloves. Have a wonderful time playing Cosplay Girl Hair Salon!
Published: Ian 19, 2018