Everyone loves donughts, they are so sweet and delicious! Let's make our own crispy and creamy ones! Start by watering some dry yeast and let it rest so it gets active. Then mix it with milk, sugar, eggs, a pinch of salt and flour. Use a rolling pin to roll the dough in a flat sheet and then use a special cutter to cut the round shapes with a hole in the middle. Deep fry the doughnuts until they grow and get a lovely golden color. Separately melt some butter in a pan on the stove, add icing sugar and vanilla extract. Take the topping and pour it over your doughnuts. Finally sprinkle some colorful candy on top. You have three different types and you can choose the ones you want. The doughnuts are ready and delicious, but you can get creative and use any other kind of topping. Enjoy!
Published: Sep 18, 2016