I've Got A Fever

Garfield Coloring Book
Rise Minions Maker
Princess Dentist Game
Vintage Fashion
Character Creator
4.56/5 (81)
1 2 3 4 5
I've Got A Fever
Celebrity RiRi All Around The Fashion
Cute Avatar Creator
Celebrity Swifty All Around The Fashion
Taylor Swift
Cartoon Network Summer Games 2021
I've Got A Fever
I've Got A Fever
Dunno about you girls but this game brings up some funny memories! As every girl I do love winter and when I was younger playing outside with friends was everything. My mom always told me when I was rushing out the door to keep in mind that the snow is not only fun but it's also cold :))! There were occasions when I literally forgot and simply started battling with snow balls and all snowy stuff. Of course after the fight, the next day my mom would be laughing near my bed where I had to stay put until the sneaky cold that settled in disappeared. But girls...I had a mom like no other: in order to really cheer me up and to make me feel better, after bringing me the traditional hot cup of tea and some lemons, she wanted to play dress up with me and ohh boy, that was fun. We kept changing the clothes for hours and the main purpose was: there is no purpose. JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT. Girls...this game is made exactly how I was doing it with my mom and this is so fun. Start dressing up the 2 girls but do start with the ill one... she does need the cheering up and you can do it with 2-3 pairs of well chosen outfits. Cool, ha?
Published: Ian 12, 2012