Hannah has been waiting for prom for a very long time and her dream is to be prom queen. In order for this to happen, she needs to look amazing, so the preparation part has to be done with care. But Hannah also has an annoying little brother that always seems to be in her bedroom disturbing her. So help her get everything done fast when he is not around. She needs to send a short message on Twitter announcing everyone about her wish to be prom queen if she wants it to come true. She needs volume to her hair so put it on curlers and apply a face mask to hydrate her skin and let it glow naturally. Then apply a mascara to make her lashes longer and a cute lipstick. Do her manicure with a red nail polish and define her eyebrows with a pair of tweezers. Her prom dress has to look flawless, so she needs to iron it. Have a blast!
Published: May 11, 2014