This girl was very naughty and she ate a lot of sweets although she wasn't supposed to. Now she has a lot of cavities and bad teeth and she has to fix them. So she came to you because you are her favorite dentist. Make use of your lamp if you want, you can move it around and turn it on or off. You should start hydrating the teeth before you proceed with some water which you will have to remove with a suction pump so you will be able to work. She has some big black cavities that can only be removed with a drill. Make sure you polish the basis of the teeth so they can be nice and smooth. Use a probe to remove food leftovers and a toothbrush to make all the teeth white. Take the black teeth out and replace them with new white ones. You can even color them and personalize them with cute flowers! Good luck!
Published: Ian 15, 2014