It is a beautiful day outside, just perfect for taking your bike out and going cycling. Our girl loves riding the bike, so she cannot wait to find the perfect outfit to take on this wonderful journey through the city. She can try a fun casual outfit with a gray blouse with a Donald Duck print, a pair of ripped jeans, a pair of pink sneakers, a pair of big sunglasses, her hair in two ponytails and a wonderful hot pink bike. She could also try a black and white striped blouse, a red hoodie jacket with small ears, a pair of mint green shorts, a pair of red shoes with thick high heels, her blonde hair cut in a bob and a pair of small round earrings. And for a girly look she could try a green dress, a denim jacket, a pair of blue sneakers with green laces, a colorful headband in a messy bun and an emerald green bike. Enjoy!
Published: Mar 22, 2014