Our beautiful princess Tania takes a great care of her gorgeous hair locks. Once a week, she goes to her favorite hair care salon in town and asks her favorite hairdresser to apply a professional treatment on it, then she makes sure to cut the damaged hair tips for time to time and she usually uses the best products on the market to style it for special occasions or to dye it up... there is now wonder why that after all these changes her hair simply gorgeous and glowing of health! Well girls, it's time for you again to do wonders with princess Tania's hair. She's going to attend a royal event tonight and she needs to look stunning for it, so what about starting the preparation process with a fun hairstyling session? Once you're done dealing with her hair, go to the next page of the game and pick out your favorite dress up dress her up with, making sure to accessorize your choice with an elegant hair accessory. Have fun!
Published: Oct 11, 2013