The best part of a meal is always the dessert, but as much as we love eating it, actually cooking it may often seem like such a challenge. But today your friend Brooke is going to help you make your own sweet donuts. All you have to do is open the pack of curds and the mash them with a fork. For the dough use the curds you have just mashed, two eggs, some sugar, salt, flour and hydrated sodium. Then you have to knead the dough with our hands and pinch it off into small pieces. To make the pieces of donuts you will have to roll the pieces of dough until they get long and then unite the corners to get that round shape with a gap in the middle. Then deep fry the doughnuts into hot oil and now that you are finish sprinkle some sugar on them to make them sweet. Good luck!
Published: Apr 11, 2013