These fun Jinx and Minx type of game are very cute and they allow you to use your imagination in creating some lovely sceneries. In this episode the theme is a winter park. You can choose different type of snowy fields, but you can also choose a cabin or even half and half. Outside can be night or day and you can decide if you want or not snowflakes, fireworks, clouds, trees or roads. Then you can start adding the furniture. For the inside you can put red couches, tables, clock, champagne and balloons, on the outside you can put slides, swings, sleighs and benches. Then add trees and bushes, bunnies and birds, snowmen, a fountain and even some shops with food or ice cream. Finally you can put all your favorite characters in the mix and they all come with different poses. Enjoy playing this fun game!
Published: Ian 4, 2020